20 June 2007

Curentul la romani

Stiti si voi ca asta cu ma trage curentul e doar la noi la romani. Un prieten bun m-a avertizat ca acuma ne-au dat la ziar:

"In Romania, the greatest threat to life today is not poverty, climate change or al-Qa'eda. It's moving air. Fans, air conditioning and open windows are not - as I had thought - useful mechanisms to generate a nice breeze, or give a little respite as summer temperatures climb to around 40 degrees. They are weapons of mass destruction."

"It turned out that "cur-rent", or the draught that circulates when two windows are open, is blamed in Romania for almost every ill one can think of. Toothache, headache, cold, flu, meningitis, paralysis, even death - all are apparently the result of moving air. This was solemnly confirmed to me by Vasile's mum, who has just retired from a 30-year career as a nurse."

De aici: Telegraph si continuarea AICI


roxxxybel said...

cat imi palce asta. !!!!

Monica JITARIUC said...

ma bucur!
inchide geamu ca te trage curentu

Anonymous said...

de cand asteptam confirmarea asta!
mersi monico!

Monica JITARIUC said...

cu mare placere!