28 August 2008
27 August 2008
Warte bis September
Cu ajutorul unui webcam Nils ne arata cum asteapta noul catalog Ikea toata ziua. In asteptarea noului catalog, in casa aproape goala, Nils isi invita prietenii, se joaca si citeste sau interactioneaza cu cei care intra pe site. El mai lanseaza si sondaje pe site, de exemplu "Cu ce sa ma imbrac in seara asta" si tot asa. Da' mai bine intrati sa vedeti AICI.
26 August 2008
Sansa de a castiga la o promotie de consumatori in Romania
de pe StiaiCa.ro
London Games 2012: Lessons from Beijing
25 August 2008
Competitia de bloguri de PR
Toate blogurile de PR inscrise in aceasta competitie sunt centralizate si pot fi accesate de aici:
PR Blog Competition
Despre cultura generala la oamenii de relatii publice
Am gasit un articol aici si va invit sa il ganditi/adaptati pentru Romania.
I do expect anyone who works in PR to know things like:
- The names of most government departments and the cabinet minister in charge
- The main characters and storylines from at least some of Shakespeare’s plays -
- The names of the ‘top’ six or seven PMs/presidents from around the world
- Key events from UK and world history
- The main characters and storylines from some of the classic British novels (from having read them, not watched the film or TV adaptation)
- Know who some of the world’s great thinkers are and their works from philosophy, economics, politics, sociology etc
- The locations and little bit about most UK cities
- The titles and/or authors of some current ‘hot’ books that are helping to shape society and business – and hopefully to have read some of them, for fun/interest, and not because you’ve tasked with it
- The capitals of most European countries and major countries around the world
- The names of some of the world’s ‘great’ newspapers in major countries.