25 August 2008

Despre cultura generala la oamenii de relatii publice

Am gasit un articol aici si va invit sa il ganditi/adaptati pentru Romania.

I do expect anyone who works in PR to know things like:

- The names of most government departments and the cabinet minister in charge
- The main characters and storylines from at least some of Shakespeare’s plays -
- The names of the ‘top’ six or seven PMs/presidents from around the world
- Key events from UK and world history
- The main characters and storylines from some of the classic British novels (from having read them, not watched the film or TV adaptation)
- Know who some of the world’s great thinkers are and their works from philosophy, economics, politics, sociology etc
- The locations and little bit about most UK cities
- The titles and/or authors of some current ‘hot’ books that are helping to shape society and business – and hopefully to have read some of them, for fun/interest, and not because you’ve tasked with it
- The capitals of most European countries and major countries around the world
- The names of some of the world’s ‘great’ newspapers in major countries.


Unknown said...

hahaha. u wish

Alina Popescu said...

Toate bune si frumoase, o singura precizare insa. Majoritatea tin intr-adevar de cultura generala. Pana la elementele schimbatoare :) Adica guverne, ziare/reviste cu influenta, etc. Se schimba/dispar multe, iar ideea e ca nu trebuie sa ne bazam doar pe cultura generala, ci sa tinem pasul si cu ce e nou.

In rest, sa speram ca avem cu totii timp si energie sa stim tot ce ne trebuie pentru a ne face cat mai bine meseria...