24 November 2008

19 November 2008

Mickey Mouse are 80 de ani!

Mickey Mouse nu s-a aflat niciodata printre preferatii mei, desi cand eram mica una dintre jucariile de care nu ma desparteam era un Mickey Mouse gonflabil. Uite si o fotografie. Macar spre aducere aminte, ii zic si io "La multi ani" si sper ca si copiii mei sa mai apuce un film cu Mickey Mouse. Soricelul nu a mai aparut pe ecrane de vreo doi ani si nici nu i se anunta perspective prea stralucite pe viitor.
Noroc ca raman clasicele desene.

Articol TIME despre aceasta aniversare: AICI.

Cititi si 10 lucruri interesante despre Disneyland: AICI.

15 November 2008

Ce face Dan Diaconescu in lungile intervale cat nu se vede in cadru?

si multe dintre secretele si retetele de succes ale OTV veti gasi in materialul realizat de Iulian Comanescu cu Dan Diaconescu: AICI.

p.s. Iulie 2008 a fost o luna-record pentru OTV, care s-a plasat pe locul al patrulea in topul televiziunilor, cu un rating mediu de 0,9 (108 mii telespectatori pe minut) si o cota de piata de 6%, pe intreaga populatie urbana, conform ARMA, date prelucrate de GfK. OTV se afla in general pe locul 5-7 in top, cu valori putin mai mici decat cele de mai sus (sursa: aici)

13 November 2008

11 November 2008

Advertising for Atheism


Even in the 21st century, religion still has a big hold on people. Religious fanatics around the world kill thousands every year. Millions of people live in countries with oppressive faith-based regimes. Bishops get an automatic seat in the UK legislature. And state-funded ‘faith schools’ are allowed to discriminate in favour of religious pupils. Meanwhile, churches and evangelist groups (‘The Alpha Course’) are advertising for recruits. Where is the voice promoting rational, science-based atheism?


Get PR. The campaign has already had great coverage in the media (try Googling ‘Atheist bus campaign’), and will hopefully get even more when we launch. An ad with real insight and bite will be more likely to get PR.


Urbanul ne-a invatat sa sublimam bine ura

Ura copleşitoare din rural, chiar şi în familii - mai ales în familii. Raporturi nevrotice, fraţi de 80 de ani care nu-şi vorbesc... Urbanul ne-a învăţat totuşi ceva: sublimăm bine ura. Nu doar că ne-o ascundem, dar o depăşim. Suntem atât de mulţi, devine vag plictisitor să mai ţii minte pe cine urai toamna trecută. O plimbare în oraş, cu pas măsurat şi gesticulaţie largă, de personaje de operă, de obicei rezolvă totul.
de pe unul dintre cele mai dragi bloguri mie: SOIRS

În Europa, de la 300 la 1300 nu s-a petrecut nimic esenţial. În afara unor mici fortificări ale oraşelor, n-ai ce să invoci. Aceleaşi haine, aceeaşi tehnică, aceleaşi moravuri, structuri urbane, munci, raporturi de vasalitate, cultură retrasă în mănăstiri, pe scurt aceleaşi iluzii. Am îngheţat meditativ o mie de ani. Eram în măsură să o facem. Apoi, din senin, curgerea a fost reluată.

Bizarre Vending Machines

Inspired by MentalFloss

05 November 2008

The Marketer Columns- "downloadable" articles

If you have some time to read, click HERE

- A bird in the Hand...: how to make money from loyal customers, not just new ones (June 08)
- Cheap And Nice (not cheap and nasty): competing on value AND differentiation (Sep 08)
- Survival of the Fittest: is your brand strong enough to be recession-proof? (Oct 08)
- Hero Products: cut the clutter in your portfolio (April 08)

04 November 2008

Marketing lessons from the US election

Title and inspiration from A Smart Guy
Stories really matter.
"More than a billion dollars spent, two 'products' that have very different features, and yet, when people look back at the election they will remember mavericky winking. You can say that's trivial. I'll say that it's human nature."

"Mainstream media isn't powerful because we have no other choices. It's powerful because they're still really good at writing and spreading stories, stories we listen to and stories we believe."

TV is over.
"If people are interested, they'll watch. On their time (or their boss's time). They'll watch online, and spread the idea. You can't email a TV commercial to a friend, but you can definitely spread a YouTube video. The cycle of ads got shorter and shorter, and the most important ads were made for the web, not for TV.
Permission matters (though selfish marketers still burn it)".

Marketing is tribal.
"Building a new tribe (in marketing and in politics) is time consuming and risky and expensive."

more @ Seth Godin

03 November 2008

In My Imagination

familia arata cam la fel. Si cand spalam vase, spalam in ordine: cutit, lingura, furculita, lingurite...cutit, lingura, furculita, lingurinta....si tot asa...niciodata in alta ordine sa nu le despart.

foto: de aici.

Let the issues be the issue


Salvati-va animalul din logo!

De la Mihaela aflu de o initiativa laudabila: Sauvez votre logo.

Mai multe aici:
Sauvez votre logo ! : c'est le nom de la campagne que vient de lancer le Fonds mondial de l'environnement (GEF, selon son acronyme anglais) pour encourager les multinationales à protéger l'animal fétiche sur lequel elles ont en partie bâti leur image. Ces espèces, souvent menacées, jouissent d'un capital de sympathie auprès du public : Lacoste et son crocodile, Peugeot et son lion, Jaguar, Puma, le thé Eléphant... Plusieurs centaines de marques utilisent des références à la nature, et aux animaux en particulier (Le Monde)

l.e. am reusit cu link-urile.

Cannes 2009: PR Lions

"PR Lions: A new category for 2009, this category will recognize the world's top media relations campaigns". (via si de la Cristina)

01 November 2008